Natural language processing, artificial intelligence, user-generated content moderation
“STADIEM will give us the resources to implement new features into the RHETORIC-tool that we believe will immensely improve its scalability as a commercial product. Being able to do this in the enthusiastic STADIEM-ecosystem not only motivates to do great work, but ensures that our work does not go unnoticed.” – Guy De Pauw, founder and CEO of Textgain
What’s the issue?
Media companies are facing huge challenges in engaging their customers with their content. Many publishers have abandoned user commenting functionality on their native platforms, because they lack the resources to moderate toxic user-generated content. They therefore typically shift this functionality to platforms such as Facebook, but in doing so miss out on the associated ad revenues, as well as considerable conversion opportunities.
Textgain’s solution
RHETORIC is a joint product of Wieni, Tree company and Textgain. It is an innovative commenting pipeline that allows publishers to have a safe space on their own platform where readers can engage with their content. It uses an AI powered reflective interface to enhance the quality of the inbound comments, but also provides reporting functionalities to the journalists on the content of the debate.

Textgain’s corporate partner in STADIEM
Mediahuis NV
“It is completely absurd that in 2022 we only share news and stories, but do not interact at all with those many visitors. Now disable all interaction to avoid hate speech, malicious comments. We do want dialogue, but we certainly don’t want to be the drain of opinions that shoot out in all directions.” – Liesbeth Van Impe, editor-in-chief Nieuwsblad
The people behind Textgain: Guy De Pauw (Textgain), Jelle Van den Bergh (Wieni), Michiel Nuytemans (Tree company)
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Date of foundation: November 2015
Textgain on social media:
Wieni on social media:
Tree company on social media: