The Chainless / DeepVA

Computer vision AI, AI customization, archiving

What’s the issue?

There’s an increase of content being produced, but the expectations of users and content creators rarely align with the current systems. Media companies and archives lack intelligent solutions to provide better content and to produce videos more (cost) effective.

“AI customization is key since pre-trained AI models reach their limits. Training your own AI will ensure to reveal meaningful information about the content in your archive. Our technology can also be easily integrated into existing systems.” – Christian Hirth, CEO The Chainless / DeepVA

The Chainless / DeepVA team

The Chainless’s solution

The AI services provided by The Chainless allow thorough metadata generation and high-quality labeling of visual media assets to structure and improve media archives. More importantly, the models can be adjusted and customized to solve company-specific requests.

“The cooperation with ProSiebenSat.1 Tech Solutions through the STADIEM programme was an intensive and important learning experience. We can experience the working methods of a privately operating TV station, which we hadn’t done before.” – Esther Arroyo Garcia, co-founder and CMO The Chainless / DeepVA

The Chainless’s corporate partner in STADIEM


“The Chainless was able to demonstrate its expertise in the field of automatic tagging of content. The solution will allow us to intelligently link the existing documented and archived content and enrich it with additional information.” – Sebastian Döring, Head of AI Platform Services ProSiebenSat.1

The people behind The Chainless: Christian Hirth, Frederik Böhm, Esther Arroyo Garcia
 Location: Freiburg, Germany
 Date of foundation: March 2018
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