AI, strategic intelligence, SaaS
What’s the issue?
Media companies struggle to keep an overview of the latest evolutions of their rapid changing market. There is no clear understanding of the trends that could impact them in the future, yet a clear understanding is needed in order to anticipate and stay competitive. Media companies need more hard metrics for the long-term.
“We map trends and make predictions about their impact on your industry and context. Therefore, we support how media (and other) organizations could respond to trends in terms of strategic positioning, to speed up or slow down innovation activities or to change the focus on a certain type of consumer.” – Mathias Colpaert, CTO Trensition

Trensition’s solution
Trensition’s Trendtacker is an AI-driven strategic intelligence platform that supports an automated, cost effective and continuous way to monitor trends. The platform delivers personalized trend insights that help answer strategic questions and support strategic decision-making.
“We perceive the STADIEM programme as an inspiring journey where we get insights from subject matter experts and learn from others in an informal way. Moreover, their commitment to success has giving us a lot of positive energy.” – Vincent Defour, CEO Trensition

Trensition’s corporate partners in STADIEM
Roularta Media Group and SWR
“Trensition’s AI-based strategic intelligence platform Trendtracker will help us tremendously to identify those trends which will have an impact on our business. This could be of a huge strategic benefit.” – Nick Dutry, Innovator Roularta Media Group
The people behind Trensition: Vincent Defour, Mathias Colpaert, Mike Vanderroost
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Date of foundation: November 2019
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